Mafia II: Steamy Shower Scene

Mafia II promised to be at the apex of the ongoing tryst between films and games, offering an evocative trip back to a post-war America that's been so well exploited by the cinema. To 2K Czech's credit its rendition of Empire City – a thinly veiled riff on New York – was thrillingly iconic, and taking a pinstripe-suited gangster through its well realised streets often proved to be as empowering as we'd hoped. Only problem was it all fell apart when anyone opened their mouth, and rather than mimicking the tone of gangster classics such as Goodfellas, The Godfather or Angels with Dirty Faces it went for a playground approximation of the genre, all cuss-words, thick accents and even thicker dialogue.
The real nadir came at its halfway point during a painfully protracted prison scene. A Prophet it most certainly wasn't, and having already witnessed an amazing procession of stereotypes (look, it's a fighty Irish man! Oh and here's a wise old Chinese man to teach us some kung fu as he squeaks through his Fu Manchu moustache!) Mafia II managed to outdo itself, introducing an ill-conceived and quite sickening implied shower rape scene. It was as unsubtle as it was unsettling, and that this juvenile drivel could find its way into a game with triple-A pretentions was a damning indictment on its creators.
Mafia II promised to be at the apex of the ongoing tryst between films and games, offering an evocative trip back to a post-war America that's been so well exploited by the cinema. To 2K Czech's credit its rendition of Empire City – a thinly veiled riff on New York – was thrillingly iconic, and taking a pinstripe-suited gangster through its well realised streets often proved to be as empowering as we'd hoped. Only problem was it all fell apart when anyone opened their mouth, and rather than mimicking the tone of gangster classics such as Goodfellas, The Godfather or Angels with Dirty Faces it went for a playground approximation of the genre, all cuss-words, thick accents and even thicker dialogue.
The real nadir came at its halfway point during a painfully protracted prison scene. A Prophet it most certainly wasn't, and having already witnessed an amazing procession of stereotypes (look, it's a fighty Irish man! Oh and here's a wise old Chinese man to teach us some kung fu as he squeaks through his Fu Manchu moustache!) Mafia II managed to outdo itself, introducing an ill-conceived and quite sickening implied shower rape scene. It was as unsubtle as it was unsettling, and that this juvenile drivel could find its way into a game with triple-A pretentions was a damning indictment on its creators.
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